Valley of the Planets, one of Libya’s treasures

It is one of the wonders of the world, to find on the planet Earth and in a desert, what looks like planets and celestial bodies, all of this with rocks and stones even sand there are shaped in a way similar to space and the background of the planets as we see it in pictures and video, as reported by astronomers.
This place was called the Valley of the Planets in the Kufra region of the sisterly Arab State of Libya, and this region is one of the treasures of the State of Libya with its desert, although not many people know about it.
It is close to Al-Uwainat Al-Gharbia near the city of Ghat in southwestern Libya in the far desert, at a valley known as “Wan Tkufi”, in the area extending from Hamada to the Ghat heights.
Perhaps it is the strangest in Libya, if not the strangest in the world, in this valley that is far from the Al-Owainat area (approximately 1130 km south of Tripoli), huge rocks take the form of planets, so that those visiting this valley feel as if they are in space.
The average diameter of each rock is about 10 meters, as these spherical rocks are stacked side by side for a distance of approximately 30 km.
It is also known as “wan takufi” in the Tuareg language. What also distinguishes that valley is that it has a solid rocky ground with no water or agriculture.