Placer Gold Recovery 1: Principle of Placer Gold Gravity Beneficiation

Obviously, for the prospectors, the higher the gold grade, the better, but to maximize profits, the prospectors need to maximize the recovery rate of gold as much as possible.
Principle of placer gold gravity beneficiation: The gold is separated from the sand, gravel and gravel of the gold deposit by using the corresponding gravity equipment.
When granular gold and gravel are suspended in water of similar size and shape, they will settle in water at different rates due to certain specific gravity difference between them, which is faster than that of heavy gold particles and slower than that of small waste rock and sand and gravel. The settling rate is also related to the mass of the material. The gold settling rates of large lumps of rock and small pieces of denser gold may be very similar.
This feature of high specific gravity of gold has also been developed and utilized in simple gold rush technology.
Gongyi Forui machinery factory, founded in 1986. We are one of the leading suppliers of beneficiation equipments in Asia. Don’t hesitate to Contact Us, if you have any question of beneficiation. And welcome to visit our company. Gongyi Forui Machinery Factory dedicated to serve you!